For the third consecutive year, Vivendi has dedicated a section of its annual report to a summary report highlighting the company’s achievements in creating long-term value for all of its stakeholders.

The group also outlines an integrated vision of its mission, its strategy, its financial and non-financial performance and its contribution to human rights within its sphere of influence.

Driven by the desire to link CSR (corporate social responsibility) and value creation, Vivendi pursued its approach to integrated reporting.  After launching a pilot project focused on cultural capital in 2013, which created a more direct connection between the chief financial officers at the headquarters and within the subsidiaries and this dynamic, the group now has a more thorough understanding in terms of value creation for artists, employees, shareholders, customers, and more generally, all of civil society.

In its 2015 Annual Report, available online or on request, Vivendi describes the resources necessary to grow its businesses, the benefits enjoyed by its different partners, and the human rights considerations specific to the media and cultural industries. The value creation circuit, appearing on pages 28 and 29 (our illustration), summarizes the sharing of financial and extra-financial value produced by Vivendi with its main stakeholders.