The musicians of Palais Royal rally together adolescents who are socially and geographically isolated from culture by organizing innovative and educational concerts throughout the year. Named “Love at first sight”, these interactive concerts are specially created for the young adults of the suburbs, with the objective to spark within them, a real “love at first sight” for classical music. To do this, Palais Royal has chosen to play under the conditions of a real concert: full orchestra, formal dress, concert room …

This Wednesday, the Palais Royal musicians will play in the former Academy of Music in Paris and in front of 450 adolescents taking part in the national project “Cordées de la réussite” (Bundles of success). Their objective is to promote scholarly ambition among teenagers who, due to their social and geographic background do not possess the tools necessary to engage in long term training. They are surrounded by teachers, whose mission is to inform them of superior study courses. Through this concert, the Palais Royal musicians hope to show what young musicians can achieve when they practice music to a high level and when they share their passion with the world. This concert is part of a tour of concerts that Vivendi Create Joy will be in partnership with for the season of 2013/2014.