Discussion with Gilles Alix, member of Vivendi’s Management Board
At the beginning of the meeting, the Committee members were welcomed by Gilles Alix, member of Vivendi’s Management Board and in charge of the proposed distribution of 60% of the capital of Universal Music Group (UMG) to the Group’s shareholders and the planned listing of the company on the regulated market Euronext Amsterdam.
Gilles Alix confirmed Vivendi’s sound health after a complicated 2020 due to the pandemic which affected Havas Group and Vivendi Village in particular. He the latest developments and performance of each of Vivendi’s business lines.
After emphasizing the strong performance of the music business, he returned to the origins of the planned distribution of 60% of UMG’s capital, recalling the unsatisfactory valuation of Vivendi’s share price and specifying that the Group wants the shareholders benefit from these transactions.
Gilles Alix detailed the timetable and terms of the proposed distribution, highlighting the possibility of a sale of an additional 10% of UMG to Pershing Square Tontine Holdings before UMG’s listing.
Gilles Alix answered the Committee’s questions, in particular on the stake in UMG’s share capital that the Bolloré Group would hold after the distribution, on the comparison between UMG and Believe and on resolution no. 23 (OPRA). He explained that the purpose of this resolution was to prevent a future t fall in Vivendi’s share price.
Vivendi latest news and review of the earnings for the first quarter of 2021
Solange Maulini, Vivendi’s VP Shareholders Relations and Press Director took over with a focus on the General Shareholders Meeting of June 22, 2021 and its resolutions.
Then she reviewed Vivendi’s results for the first quarter of 2021, marked by the increase in revenues (+5.0% at constant rates and perimeter) before commenting on the performance and trends of each business unit at the beginning of 2021.
Prisma Media presentation
Philippe Schmidt, Chief Transformation Officer of Prisma Media and Managing Director of Prisma Media Solutions, gave a presentation on Prisma Media, France’s #1 magazine, online video and daily digital audience.
He explained the mission of his group, whose acquisition by Vivendi was finalized on
May 31: “to make the lives of French people more beautiful, richer and more inspired”, highlighting Prisma Media’s assets, experience, i strategic priorities and commitments to a more sustainable society.
While answering the Committee’s questions on products, organization and staffing, he outlined Prisma Media’s expertise in all magazine and news formats.
Philippe Schmidt then recalled Prisma Media’s excellent financial results, such as the evolution of its revenues between 2017 and 2020, reflecting a performance that outperformed the market in terms of audience, distribution and advertising.
At the end of the meeting, the members of the Committee met for a convivial lunch.