Indicators handbook - page 44

Non-Financial Indicators Handbook -
Social Indicators
Promotion and Compliance with the Fundamental Principles of the ILO
Promotion and Compliance with the Fundamental Principles of the ILO
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, Vivendi agrees to
comply with the fundamental principles of the ILO. In the area of labor
law, these commitments require compliance with the four fundamental
pillars of the ILO: freedom of association and recognition of the right to
collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory
labor, combating child labor, and eliminating discrimination in the area
of employment and profession. Two of these four principles (freedom of
association and combating discrimination) are of particular relevance
to Vivendi.
5.7.1. Respect for Freedom of Association and
the Right to Collective Bargaining
With its social partners, Vivendi promotes social dialog and consultation
at all levels (please refer to Section 5.3. p.34). All workers based in
France and in the Overseas Departments and Territories are covered by
collective bargaining agreements. The same is true worldwide, for more
than 90% of Maroc Telecom Group employees and 100% of the Canal+
Group and GVT employees.
5.7.2. Eliminating Discrimination in Employment
Vivendi has affirmed its commitment to diversity in recruitment and
preventing discrimination in employment. The Group’s Compliance
Program calls for active prevention of all forms of discrimination based
on selection criteria such as gender, age, lifestyle, ethnic identity,
nationality, disability, religious, political or trade union opinions and
commitments. These commitments are applied in practice through
policies relating to gender (please refer to Section 5.6.1. p. 41), diversity
and non-discrimination (please refer to Section 5.6.3. p. 43), and in the
employment and job placement policies for workers with a disability
(please refer to Section 5.6.2. p. 42).
5.7.3. Abolition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
and Child Labor
The Vivendi Group complies with the ILO conventions and bans all forms
of forced labor. Child labor is strictly prohibited in the Group. In certain
specific cases, such as filmmaking or music recordings, where minors
may be required to make a contribution, all regulatory requirements are
rigorously respected.
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