Where is Vivendi listed?
Vivendi’s shares are listed on Compartment A of Euronext Paris (ISIN code FR 0000 127771).
Vivendi’s shares are listed on Compartment A of Euronext Paris (ISIN code FR 0000 127771).
Vivendi’s ticker symbol is ISIN code: FR 0000 127771.
Yes, Vivendi shares are eligible for a French stock savings plan.
The par value of Vivendi’s share is € 5.50.
In 2023, earnings attributable to Vivendi SE shareowners amounted to a profit of €405 million (or €0.40 per share – basic).
In 2023, adjusted net income was a profit of €722 million (or €0.70 per share – basic).
Vivendi’s stock is part of few Euronext indexes as well as of as the FTSE4 Good Europe and the FTSE4Good Developed indexes.