Independent member of the Supervisory Board

French citizen

Business address

6 place Saint-Germain-des-Prés
75006 Paris

Expertise and experience

Michèle Reiser is a philosopher by profession. In 1975, she started a weekly literary show for young people on tFrench TV channel FR3, which she hosted for eight years. She also had a literary column in Le Monde de l’Éducation and later worked regularly at Ex Libris.

As a filmmaker, producer and TV film author, she produced documentaries, profiles and major stories on key themes broadcast between 1983 and 2005 on France 2, France 3, France 5, Canal+ and Arte centered around major areas of interest:

  • social issues – Les Trois Mousquetaires à Shanghai and La Vie en rollers;
  • politics – she produced the Un Maire, une Ville collection with Alain Juppé in Bordeaux and Jean-Claude Gaudin in Marseille;
  • psychiatric issues – Le Cinéma de notre anxiété, Un homme sous haute surveillance, and Epilepsies;
  • romantic traditions – Les Amoureux de Shanghai, L’Amour au Brésil, and Les Amoureux du Printemps de Prague;
  • child and adolescent development – Premiers émois, Vis ta vie, ou les parents ça sert à rien, La vérité sort de la bouche des enfants; and
  • profiles – Reiser, Juppé, François Truffaut, correspondance à une voix.

She also directed musical and theater shows as well as operas, including Le Barbier de Séville with Ruggero Raimondi.

She founded Les Films du Pharaon and served as its Director from 1998 to 2005.

In January 2005, she was appointed a member of France’s Audiovisual Council by the French President and presided over the Audiovisual Production, Free Private Channels, Advertising and Cinema and Music working groups over her six-year term.

From 2008 to 2012, she founded and presided over the Commission on the image of women in the media. At the end of each year, the Commission published a report underscoring that although women have visibility, they are still confined to a particular role and that men are still the only ones whose knowledge is considered legitimate. This observation brought to light the notion of an “expert”, which will be the subject of the second report presented in December 2011 during a symposium at the French National Assembly titled “Les expertes, bilan d’une année d’autorégulation” (Experts: Results of One Year of Self-Regulation). The Commission was awarded permanent status by the Prime Minister in 2011.

In 2010, she co-presided over the work of the Commission on associations’ access to audiovisual media, which produced a report submitted to the Prime Minister in January 2011.

She was a member of the Gender Equality Observatory from 2010 to 2012.

In 2013, Michèle Reiser founded the consultancy firm, MRC.

Between 2014 and 2020, she chaired the jury for the Gulli Prize for Novel.

In June 2015, she founded the Paris-Mezzo classical music festival, which, under her direction, became the Festival de Paris in 2017.

She published two novels with Albin Michel: Dans le creux de ta main in 2008, and Jusqu’au bout du festin in 2010, which won the Prix de la révélation littéraire in 2010 from

She was promoted to the rank of Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’honneur in 2010 and named Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite in 2004.


Position currently held

MRC, Manager
Havas N.V. (*), Member of the Board of Directors


(*) Listed company.