ESG commitments are increasingly scrutinized by analysts and investors. Euronext’s decision announced today to include Vivendi in its CAC SBT 1.5° index as of June 19, 2023, is therefore very good news. This index includes SBF 120 stocks that have scope 1 and 2 emission reduction targets approved by the SBTi (or Science Based Target Initiative, a structure validating companies’ carbon reduction commitments) in line with the Paris Climate Agreement’s trajectory for limiting climate warming to 1.5°C.

Since March 2021, Vivendi shares have also been included in the French CAC40 ESG index, which aims at identifying the 40 companies in the CAC Large 60 index (CAC40 + Next 20) with the best ESG practices.

Vivendi is referenced in several other sustainable development stock market indexes, such as the FTSE4 Good Global, the ASPI Eurozone and the Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI).

Vivendi is also part of the SBF 120, CAC Next 20, CAC Large 60 indexes, as well as the Euro Stoxx Media and Euro Stoxx 50.